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24-11 VD 01 Cardwells

24-11 VD 01 Parker and Maggie


24-11 VD 01 Cardwells

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10 24-08 CTCI DM Arch in St Louis sf

14 24-08 CTCI DM Twain tour sf - Copy

99 24-08 CTCI DM beatle george sign crp - Copy
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10 24-08 CTCI DM Arch in St Louis sf
November 11, 2024 -- Knoxville Veterans Day Parade
2024 CTCI International Convention Des Moines IA

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005 start

010 trucnk

935 All SMCTC attendees ex Roystons

005 start
2023 CTCI Region 4 Convention The Villages FL
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23-09 SMCTC wf tour 01 Townsend start

23-09 SMCTC wf tour 08 Smokies road

23-09 SMCTC wf tour 88 lot at last stop

23-09 SMCTC wf tour 01 Townsend start
North Carolina Waterfall Tour - September 2023

23-04 Dogwood on trail coming and going

23-04 Dogwood main streets

23-04 Dogwood dining place sign

23-04 Dogwood on trail coming and going

23-05 TAD dam overlook cars

23-05 TAD along rte 2

23-05 TAD along rte 1

23-05 TAD dam overlook cars
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